Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year Resolutions

The reason I have not been blogging lately is that I was trying to preserve material for my Book. Yes, I have been trying to write a book. A novel. But as I wrote a couple of pages, I realized that blogging is entirely different from writing a novel or fiction. This might seem pretty obvious to many, but I have learnt it from experience. And it has been one wow of an experience. Over the past few days, one part of me has been fighting with the other part of mine. One says, WTF, just blog. Write whatever comes to u'r mind. The book is a long term affair. You cannot wait that long. Can you? And the other one is pretty determined on writing a book. Hey, just don't blog. All those ideas can somehow be put together in your book. That will help finish the book faster. And you are not paid, anyway, for blogging. Better to get the book out soon.

I listened to the second part of me for quite some time. But then, as I started working on my book, I found that it is a different cup of tea altogether. Just like a good writer need not necessarily be good in conversation or speaking abilities, and vice versa, so it is between blogging and writing hard-core literary stuff. Though there is a good overlap between blogging and novels or fiction in terms of the style, topics and presentation and there are many examples I can think of. The latter contradictory view forces me back to trying to produce a bigger work. So finally I make my mind to do both. That way I can appease both parts of me, which are figting each other all the time. And moreover, I have begun to feel that there can be no limit to creativity, thoughts and ideas. I can have both rolling at full speeds and with the richness that they deserve.

So, I have another to add to my list of New Year resolutions. This is the first time I've seriously made resolutions and I am seriously working on them too...

Here's the list:

- Quit Drinking
- Write A Novel
- Buid Body ASAP
- At Least One Blog Entry Per Day

I hope I am not forgetting any resolution :-)

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