Wednesday, April 11, 2007

TaTa Bye Bye Kuchi Kuchi

We know and understand so little of the Universe, and what we do is actually just by a few individuals, who take pains to document all gathered knowledge for people who care, and are capable enough, to go through, validate and think further. And so the knowledge passes over ages. It's funny the way the creator created all this apparently mathematical universe and dropped us on a small round body called the earth (by us) to spend our time trying to figure things out, trying to know the reality. It's possible that somewhere else there are people who've discovered some other realities which are still hidden to us. I often feel that the 'reality', per sé, can't be so complicated. I was trying to discuss this the other day with Laajo. She is a Physics professor at Raapchaandoos Institute of Technology, Bilaspur. As always, she said 'stupid', slapped gently on my face, wore her chunni, said 'TaTa Bye Bye Kuchi Kuchi', and left for her lecture.

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