Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"After all, few foods improve in the refrigerator. They don’t improve in your freezer, either, but they degrade more slowly, especially if you keep the temperature at 0 degrees or below. Check it with a thermometer, and re-check every few months. Note that full freezers are more efficient than half-full ones, a further inducement to freeze more."

- A good example of the usage of the word "few" without a preceding "a", where it actually means "none at all", rather than "small in number"... Prof. Sudha Shastry at IITB used to stress a lot on this... I think the one above is a good example becoz the second sentence is a negative sentence with an "either" as well, Indicating that the first one also has a similar negative implication, something like "no foods improve in the refrigerator."

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