Friday, December 30, 2016

Good Bye 2016

In all likelihood, this post is going to be my last in 2016. With only a day and a few hours left for 1st Jan, 2017 is pretty close. However, I am more worried about the 2nd of Jan which is the first working day of the new year, and which comes with loads of new work, especially in companies like mine which is an IT outsourcing provider and primarily caters to American and European clients who chill too much in this chilling period. Can't help the seasonality of this business. In any case, ever since I've started working, I've learnt that it's best to look at the present and live life one day at a time, as looking too far into an extrapolation of the present is often very stressful in professional context. And even in the most stressful of the days, living the present helps you get a relaxed sleep at night by letting you defocus from work and relax until the next day arrives, which if you fail to do would screw both your today and tomorrow.

I missed the target of completing 250 posts this year; this one's 242nd. Never mind, hope I stay alive to get there... and it's just a number anyway, significant only because we humans have agreed to use the decimal system of numbering. I don't remember having made any serious resolutions at the beginning of 2016. Or if I did, I wasn't serious enough about them so I could remember. But I am told it is very good to have goals in life - goals that totally drive one's thoughts, ideas and actions. Most people are only constantly searching for such goals all their lives. Perhaps it can be said that finding a goal for their life is the goal of most people. The rest are sure of what they want - a property which can also be a psychological aberration, given that it's only manifested in a few people. But such people change the world in bigger ways than normal people do. They are precious.

Even if one is unsure about goals of life, one can set smaller goals and strive to achieve them. It does require a resolve from a person to pursue goals just for the heck of it, or perhaps in search of some meaning of the time spent living. And little random things can often get together and lead to something big. Big enough to make everything look wise in hindsight.

Lemme set some goals for myself and see where I reach. Wish me luck.

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