It was Monday morning. I was waiting for the red Pune-Station-to-Hinjewadi PMT bus. I had missed the company bus as usual. And just like on most Mondays, I couldn't find my access card on that day. It hid somewhere below the mattress or the two pillows. Everyday, before leaving for office, finding it is a painful task. Another is finding my comb. I can't go out without my comb. And that wretched thing always goes and sits at wrong places when I throw it after coming back from office. My Chemistry teacher Mr.Khan had developed a theory about hairs and combs. He used to say that if you ever happen to need a comb, just look around for a guy with the least amount of hair on his head. The probability of that guy keeping a comb is the maximum out of all those who are present. I used to laugh with everyone 7 years back whenever Mr.Khan gave us this funda. I had a lot of hair then...on the head and elsewhere...though I was secretly apprehensive about losing that on the head. Now a lot of people ask me for a comb. Particularly when I stand at bus-stops. It irritates me. I just give them an angry look and they don't dare to ask again.
This PMT bus never comes on time. Often it comes before-time, and I miss it. If it is not before-time, it is sure to be late. And I hate to wait. However that gives me time to check out some chicks at the bus-stop and form opinions about the standards of various Software companies around in terms of gals. It is important to be aware of such things to look cool in a Software company. Some call-center gals also wait for the PMT bus. But most call-center gals go by company-buses or company-cabs. We Software people are not pampered to that extent. And we don't get such hot gals as the Call-Centers do. Anyway, I don't complain. My IIT Education has taught me to be happy with what I have got.
As a timepass till the bus comes, I buy some chikki from a grocery shop near by. One small chikki for one rupee - the cheapest and the sweetest timepass in the whole world. I love chikki. No wonder it has a huge market in Mumbai and adjoining places. Lonavla ki chikki is very famous. Everyday I promise myself that I will start a company that will make chikkis and make it popular all over India. Lately, I have started seeing a Business Plan in everything. I have to quit Software at any cost and start a company very soon. Not that I have any exceptional business acumen or something. It is just that everyone talks of starting a company nowadays. So I also started thinking about it. It will at least make me look smart and ambitious.
Just as I was having my chikki, I remembered that I had to do Kapaal-Bhaati...Mom's order!!! She had asked me to do that every morning to get rid of my tummy. Baba Ramdev rocks!!! I forgot to do it as usual in the morning soon after getting up. I tried doing it some 20 times standing on the road...breathing in and out fast enough. I knew this was not the way to do it, but then...something is better than nothing. After the 20 ins and 20 outs, I ran my hand over my belly. It felt better.
Just then a chik in light blue salwar-kameez came walking and stopped at the bus-stop. I took a deep breath to pull in the friend Abhas calls it. Then I walked a little around the girl looking occasionally at my watch pretending to be getting restless because of the bus getting late. I flashed one tirchi nazar at her tag. HMMM...Infy Gal! Infy gals have good dressing sense - I make a mental note. Then I stood by her side, at about 5 feet distance. I moved closer, 3 feet distance now...breathing out more air than I was taking in. I looked at my watch again. The girl moved a couple of steps behind me. I hate standing or sitting in front of girls coz if they are tall enough they can see my chaand. It is so embarrassing. I spend hours in front of the mirror to get some hair right there, on top. It is not an easy job pulling upstairs all the hair from the sides with a mirror in one hand and a comb in another and looking at another mirror in front. You may set that to perfection, but light and air are a bald man's biggest enemies. Both expose his tragic reality to the cruel world. As you can make out, I am pretty emotional about my hair. I can go on talking endlessly about how sad my life has become from the moment I discovered that I was going to be bald...and believe me, I didn't discover it long before I was almost bald. Heredity played it's part, though a little too early for my age. Like all bald-men's sons, I was always confident that I was not going to be bald until I discovered that I was almost one.
I took 2 steps backward. I looked down, and found that my right shoe's lace had come off. I needed to tie it. But how could I bend down? The girl would see my bald patch. I decided that I was not going to tie the lace, come what may.
My office is just near Infy. So it was sure that the girl was going to catch the same bus as I was. I decided that I'd sit by her side if possible, i.e., if she sits on a seat with no one else sharing it. Normally 2 people sit on a seat in buses in Pune. And the bus to Hinjewadi is normally not very crowded.
I tried to smell myself by pulling up the collars of my T-Shirt to my nose. Shit, I forgot to spray the deo. I am fed up of myself. Whenever I feel I need to smell good, I find that I have forgotten to spray the deo. This was not the first time. I punished myself by throwing the half-eaten chikki on the road. A part of me was almost about to cry. Thank God, the other part constitued my UI.
Just then a Thunderbird came and stopped right in front of me. It had a guy on it - a muscle-man wearing a cap. I wondered whether he was also bald. He smiled. Not at me, but at the girl. I turned to look at her. She smiled too. They seemed to know each other. Her dupatta was hanging backwards about her neck. She pulled it down a little from her neck to cover her assets. He was looking right there. Kutta Kamina! I was raging in fury. 'She is mine. How dare you?' I shouted in my mind. That guy waved his hand at her. She walked 4 steps to the bike and sat behind that guy. She was struggling hard to fit herself on the small back seat of the Thunderbird. It is really not designed for ladies. The girl should rather buy a Honda Activa and get rid of such guys. I decided that I'd suggest this to her if she comes to the bus-stop on Tuesday morning.
She was gone with the guy. The Thunderbird took them away. I sat and tied the shoe-lace that came off. I tightened the other one too. Just then the bus arrived. I waved my hand to stop it. As usual, it stopped 20 feet ahead of where I was standing. I ran and enetered the bus through the rear entrance.
I reached the office by about 10.35 AM. My office is in a nice building. If you see from the outside, you will see all glass walls except for columns which are of concrete. It shines brilliantly in the sun. Once in a few days you can spot a man hanging by a rope and cleaning those glass walls. I observe him as I enter and tell myself 'That's a nice job :-('.
I was stopped at the gate by the security guard as he could not see my ID-Card-cum-Access-Card hanging by my neck. I had come without bringing it along. So I got a special visitor pass which gives limited access inside the company. In simple terms, it means that I can open a few doors and cannot open the others. So for the others, I have to run after someone who's going through.
Unlike companies like Infy and TCS, my company does not care about what its employees wear. It is work that really matters. Sometimes even that doesn't. Sometimes you can manage without working for months. Welcome to the IT Industry!