- Property search is a tedious task and requires lot of time and patience. The guiding principle is to not compromise on a few key things you want from your home, and be sure of that. Eventually you'll find what you are looking for. (That's what my wife says, and I trust that, as search was mainly her department :P ... I reviewed once we had a shortlist, then we both reviewed many times and we mutually decided).
- If you care about vastu, hire a good vastu consultant whom you can trust and who is not very expensive. A good knowledgeable pandit, for example. Professional consultants are very expensive...
- Don't shy away from brokers, but beware. Brokers control access to a lot of the inventory out there. And you can't do away with them. Focus on the larger battle and don't worry too much about the brokerage expense. It is better to be clear and upfront on it, though. Make sure the broker agrees to the 1% norm even before he/she takes you to show any flat. And make sure the broker looks confident enough to facilitate the whole transaction, once you finalize your target.
- Ask and agree on all other expenses during the transaction and who bears what. I've had the following
- Society NOC charges - borne 50-50 by buyer and seller
- Other charges on paper-work by Society Office - buyer
- Lawyer fees - buyer
- Electricity Bill name change - buyer
- Property Tax name change - buyer
- Stamp Duty & Registration charges - buyer
- Everything else, and I know I'm missing many - buyer :-)
- If it's the first time you are buying a resale home, or any resale real-estate for that matter, better do engage a broker to handle the entire transaction and related formalities. While the agreements can be in English, a lot of documentation in Maharashtra, especially the Index-2 and stuff like that in the registrar office are in Marathi and if you don't get it, you better have someone handle it for you. Make sure the guy is well-versed with the entire process, and also has connections in banks to help you with your loan application.
- Banks need to review a lot of documents for the property to approve the loan. So it is wise to get a list of the required documents from the bank while you are searching properties. And when you are agreeing to buy the property, do check with the seller on the availability of all the documents you need, as per the list.
- Brokers need to be pushed and questioned. It is true you are paying the guy and he needs to do his job. But the brokers have a habit of overcommitting with confidence like you see nowhere else, and forgetting it altogether. Brokers also tend to get unreachable at times when you need them the most. They are frustrating, they are terrible and they don't care. And you have to pay them. So, although it's some sort of a paradox, don't trust them completely, nor rely on them. Figure out what's needed and be on top of everything.
- Keep xerox copies of every damn paper that you come across or create in the process. You will end up with a huge bunch of paper, but keep that safe.
- Lastly, and most sellers don't know this, and most brokers don't tell this during initial agreement between buyer and seller - 1% of the whole deal value (excluding stamp duty & registration fees), i.e., the cash which the seller gets, has to be paid to the mighty Government of India as TDS. This payment has to be done by the buyer and he/she has to deduct the amount from the total cash he/she pays to the seller. The payment can be done from NSDL website. Read the FAQs here. Quite a few important things to note here:
- This applies for properties with value greater than 50 Lacs INR
- The buyer is responsible for making the payment
- The buyer is responsible for downloading the form 16B and handing it over to the seller
- The buyer has to deduct the 1% TDS value and pay only 99% to the seller
- The seller can use the form 16B to claim tax exemptions
- This is a legal / statutory / whatever requirement, and not doing it can get you into trouble
- It is better to bring it up initially, i.e., before agreeing to buy the property, to make sure the seller accounted for it when quoting the price
- It's a recent rule and may not apply a few years later... so check for similar things that apply in your times... this is for readers of this blog a few years later :-)
- And do keep this in mind - you will definitely end up spending more money than you thought or budgeted for... so keep a few lacs handy, over and above whatever all likely costs add up to, while agreeing for the transaction.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Resale Home Buying - A few Tips
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Ishita Bhalla ki kathaayein
Bosco reached home and went running to Ishi-ma with Samsung Galaxy Tab hanging by his neck. He wagged his tail and shook his head so that Ishi-ma noticed the shaking tablet. She did. She quickly unlocked the tablet and saw the open window, which showed the car on CarTrade.com that Bosco wanted her to buy for him. She bought it. The car was delivered the next day. Bosco picked up his gal friend and drove around in the car in Delhi.

Everybody loves Ishita. Ishita loves everybody. Ishita is the best. She is mother India. She is Ishi-ma.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Entrepreneurship | Technology | Innovation | Collaboration
The 3 most abused words of this generation are - Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation. This is how they are defined these days:
- Entrepreneurship: Doing any shit that is not a salaried job
- Technology: Anything that has anything to do with smart phones and similar devices
- Innovation: There is so much of it that some people literally innovate every second in whatever crap they do. Perhaps there should be an internationally certified authority appointed by the American President to qualify an activity as innovation. (You cannot trust any other heads of states or organizations you see. The American President is sent by God. Also I cannot mock any Indian leader here, coz in many ways they are Gods themselves, and can torture me if I angry them :P.) In fact the sales and presales teams of most Indian IT services companies have ready-made powerpoint slides on how innovation comes naturally to them and is ingrained in every little thing they do. Doing things without knowing much of what and why they are doing also requires innovation built into each individual in these industries! There are also ideas thrown around on how they generate innovative ideas in large volumes like little products in factories - where the product is in demand and the factory is running.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Make in India
I therefore think we need to look at alternatives... something else needs to be made in India:
- Babies - We make them most here... and the best ones... I guess we have the right warmth and oxygen content in the atmosphere to get the best stuff to right places... Come here and just do it... deliver kahin bhi kar lena... This in other words would mean promoting tourism, luxury hotels, Osho Ashram, exotic destinations, nude beaches, etc. etc. - whatever makes the mood.
- Manure - We have more living beings in this country per square unit of area than anywhere else in the world. And together we make more shit than anywhere else. And earth's getting so hot, we need to grow more trees. Come here, collect all this shit and process it to make manure. I am sure we have enough shit to cover all the rest of the world. And believe me, this is very fertile shit, but we are short of land in India to spread it and grow trees over it. It's just that our shit has not been able to cross our shores because of VISA limitations - we have been sending people out to spread the shit, and that's damn inefficient. And our animals are getting no opportunity. Let's manage logistics better and get the shit out. I can assure you this shit will convert deserts to dense forests.
- Movies - We manage to make a lot of good movies, more than anyone else. From Slumdog Millionaire, the west has seen that India offers a different look and feel in movies through its filth and poverty. We have good amount of it which they can exploit a lot more. And once they get bored of it, we have the modern India as well, which is also pretty decent, and Indian movies are doing okay to showcase it. By carefully taking care of what's coming in the camera frame, we can get views like the west in many locations in India.
- Textiles - (This is already part of the official make in India campaign, as per their website. But, what the heck, I'll still talk about it :P.) We have our styles of clothing, exquisite textiles and are pretty good at making those. Try Indian clothing - it's really cool. And besides, we have also accepted and adapted all kinds of fashion in the world. We can make everything for you, and for quite cheap. Add some premium for quality and invest a bit for quality control. Raw material is not a challenge for us in this sector. Local logistics before export will still be a challenge, but I guess it's not as bad as shipping machinery.
- Problems and Solutions - This one's our USP. We have so many educated young people here without anything challenging to do, and yet alive and breathing - so hungry. And all quite intelligent, analytical and argumentative. We can design academic problems for you - all subjects, all topics. And since the rest of the world is getting dumber and dumber in theoretical academics, we'll also give you solutions to those problems. We're not like cruel Resnik & Halliday who only gave answers to odd numbered problems; nor like I.E.Irodov, who wrote a whole book of problems but never cared to write one with solutions to those. We are kind and we understand that a book of problems is useless without answers to all questions at the back of the book, and another book with solutions by the side.
Monday, April 13, 2015
work, leaders - a few thoughts...
Friday, February 13, 2015
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letterbox
Am in Go Air flight G8/284 from Pune to Bangalore... I must say, and mean, Bengaluru... A good hour and a half to work on a blog post. Thanks to this blogger mobile app, blogging on the go is quite convenient... Am surprised I said that, coz the app has been around for quite some time, yet I've not been more regular on the blog... I guess laziness does have a degree, but convenience is not one of the parameters it depends on.
I realized just now that this blog completed 9 years recently. Although it has changed hosts from o3.indiatimes to livejournal to blogspot, sochvichaar has always been the same in nature and character, and grown in volume, although very slowly in the past few years. It has taught me how to put my thoughts together. It has even taught me how to think. But the kind of thinking I do here is of little consequence in the small part of the outside world where I am struggling to make a living. Where expressing thoughts is difficult, coz they are not really respected. But ironically, you are encouraged to think and blamed for not thinking. And when you think too much, you get a kick on your ass. Where there are good thoughts and bad thoughts. And where one is also not supposed to waste time thinking. And some people claim to know what anyone is thinking, and they also decide who is clueless... And they must be right, as a clueless man would also be clueless about his cluelessness... So someone who has clue should be trusted. It's crazy, I think.
But the beautiful thing about thoughts is that they are yours, your own. And it doesn't really matter whether the world cares about them or not, they are still your own, and they define you. Although it is indeed true that most of us want the section of the world that matters to approve our thoughts, just to feel normal, we still have our thinking and it makes us who we are. And thinking is what we do and what makes us do what we do... To say anyone is not thinking is to say he/she is not alive. "Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box... They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe" - the Beatles wrote.
Too much turbulence... I went to pee thrice and was sent back on the first 2 occasions saying the seat-belt sign was on! In all this tension I missed the snacks. I had planned to eat samosas with coffee, get a receipt and put for reimbursement - official trip you see... But... Sad, this free meal wasn't mine... Don't want to call the girl back... I'm too shy to speak out of turn with an air-hostess! Let this plane land... Will definitely grab something at Bangalore airport...
Someone just figured out there was no big bang... That the universe was always there. Quite possible. Why should something have a beginning? Probably coz of this thing called time that has to be accounted for... Beginning and end are built into our existence, and being part of this framework, our thinking is bound and limited to what we can imagine. It works fine when we try to explain what we can see and feel. But for what's beyond, how should we go about? It doesn't feel to me like mathematics is the answer. It's something else.
Landed in Bangalore / Bengaluru. Bye for now.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Is there hope, still?
Short-Termism - Focus on Today at the cost of Tomorrow
"Strategies don't come out of a formally planned process. Most strategies tend to emerge, as people solve little problems and learn...

Never before did I see a movie named after its villain. Yes, Ghajini is the name of the villain. Whatever the word means, I don't thin...
In Hyderabad we have our own little Johnny. His name is Howla. His father is ambitious to educate Howla. Howla goes to school in Tappa Cha...
The Indian cricket team players has been asked to have more sex to increase their testosterone levels, and through that, increase their stre...