- Global delivery models will be seen with caution. A lot of businesses in the US and Europe are dependent on India and other offshore locations for managing their IT systems including the most business critical ones with severe business implications if they go down. Similarly, a lot of companies manufacture from China and a few other locations in Asia. The supply chains are complex and multi-country. A situation like now where every country is locking its borders and shutting down work places can bring businesses to standstill even if they are not headquartered or selling in an affected country. Also, for any country dependence on external factors for their own basic and essential services can be a huge risk when it is itself under lock down. One would like to have things in own control at times like these, rather than adding uncertainty to an already stressful situation.
- Working from home will become the norm. A lot of companies have always talked about it, but dragged their feet when it came to implementing work-from-home for all their employees, even if was feasible for many of their roles. IT services companies, for example, could do it for many of their teams, but refrained even when it was doable because of considerations/reasons like complexity of management, network security, client data protection, poor trust on Indian employees, pleasing clients, old-style leadership, poor/slow/non-standard internet accesses at homes until recently, lot of already built infrastructure due to poor foresight, or plain belief that people sitting together are the most efficient and productive. While I do believe that some of these reasons are genuine, and that working from home is not the most efficient way of working, it seems like it will have to be given a higher share in future because of what the world is seeing now. The extent of the virus outbreak took everyone by surprise, businesses were hardly prepared with a proper work-from-home model. Future delivery models will therefore look more closely at companies' capabilities and preparedness in this regard.
- Switch to robotics and fully automated operations. In spite of heavily leveraging technology in many of the new-age businesses like commutation, e-commerce, banking, etc., I realized now that they all are still heavily labor intensive. Machines and internet have either upgraded parts of their operations or enabled these businesses to start with, but a lot of activities are still done by humans. When there's an epidemic, if customers are able to get their basic needs from home, it makes the lock down meaningful and also keeps them less exposed to risk. But if humans have to run around to deliver these, we'll end up needing a huge army of people exposing themselves for the comfort of the rest. It therefore makes sense that companies immediately ramp up the testing and adoption of technologies like drones for delivery, fully automated warehouses, automated cars/trucks, and so on, which have so far been huge areas of research, yet have not been perfected and adopted because of one prime reason - jobs. But as businesses would crumble in the next few months in spite of huge demand but inability to supply or deliver, it will become imperative for companies to rethink technology investments for the future.
- Countries have to either invest in massive skill building or have to breakdown under the tremendous pressure due to unemployment. As businesses rethink their supply chains and degree of labor-intensiveness, jobs are going to be lost in billions around the world. Labor arbitrage and large young population are no longer going to be competitive advantages. Especially in India, people need to get out of their comfort zones and get hands-on with basic engineering skills. It's an irony that we perhaps have one of the largest number of engineers in the world, but most of them are only engineers by degree and can hardly do basic stuff even in their areas of specialization. The quality of our tech workforce is pathetic on an average. Our ability to conduct research in an area and generate outcomes to help our masses is severely limited and under-invested. It's a shame we brag all we can, but in times of crisis we need to again look at western countries to come up with solutions. Mr. Modi would never have the confidence that Mr. Trump has in their respective countries' ability to come up with a vaccine for COVID-19, for example. Our world-class educational and research institutes are not even in a position to catch up with the global best. The same is true for many other countries like ours. In the new world, skill-building will not be optional. We won't be able to manage 7-8% GDP growth and brag about being one of the fastest growing economies, with half our population only capable of lifting weights, and most of the other half earning better due to labor arbitrage, though doing mediocre work. We say we have a lot of brain power, but sadly most of it is wasted because of the absence of platforms to nurture them.
- Healthcare infrastructure and services need massive upgrade. Even in normal times, we are under-invested in healthcare and have far from sufficient medical staff. The current epidemic has exposed the weaknesses of even the developed world in this. We in India may fall into the common trap that if they are not well equipped, we are justified in being where we are with the 1.3bn population - which is the most stupid argument we often make to explain our backwardness to ourselves. Sadly we don't value human life enough, but this has to change if India were to be a leader in the new world order. And in fact, this is true for every country on this planet, as we now understand where we collectively and individually stand. It also exposes a huge business domain as severely under-represented in the economy. There is scope of millions of jobs here, but lack of the right policy framework to make it happen. I am optimistic that all countries will realize this soon, as it's already too late.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
World post COVID-19
Friday, March 20, 2020
Working from home
The increasingly globalized nature of business operations these days makes it especially complex to handle situations like these. While most office-goers can still be made to sit at home and work on their laptops provided the business requirements allow them to work from home networks, the majority of the roles in companies, which are sadly under-represented on active social media, are not in position to work from home. Nor is their risk being taken into account with equal seriousness, at least initially. The elite just want to stay away from them, but still want to keep having their stuff done seamlessly like always. But viruses don't value one life over another, and epidemics like these have a way of equalizing humans in their vulnerability, although not quite in how the infected are subsequently handled.
Coming to working from home, while it is the need of the hour and must indeed be the norm right now, I do have a somewhat mixed experience with working from home in normal times, and the points below are from that perspective only.
I almost fully worked from home the past 3 years and 50% of the time for 2.5 years before that, and in general, I found it extremely frustrating especially in the last 3 years - not only because I found working from home boring in itself, but more because the company I worked for abused employees to a ridiculous extent in return for the seeming "flexibility" offered. Although there are advantages of a fully work-from-home model, the disadvantages far outnumber if you are not disciplined enough and your organization is not respectful enough of you as a human being and of your time.
Let's look at some of the pros first:
- Saving on commutation time - with the traffic and distances these days, it's stressful spending hours commuting to office and back home. The time lost in just moving oneself from one place to another feels like a stupid waste to me, especially in cities in Mumbai, where many people spend 2-3 hours commuting each day.
- Being available at home - Now this has many advantages. For example people with small babies can look after them with some support. Or those needed at home due to any other reason like health issues of a family member, etc.
- Unrestricted network - Workplaces tend to put a lot of restrictions on network access assuming that if they allow employees to open certain recreational sites, their productivity will go down. It's a false assumption which I can say based on my own years of experience and also from what I have observed in my colleagues and peers.
- Behavioral freedom - Being at home allows you to dress the way you want, sit the way you want, loosen up, grow beard or whatever... fuck grooming and enjoy being yourself.
- Abuse of working hours by companies - by offering this notional flexibility, companies, especially those that work round-the-clock in different time zones, start expecting that you can be available at any time. This can often lead to extremely long working hours daily, people losing sleep and being stressed all the time. Plus it hardly leaves any free time outside work.
- Impact on mental / psychological health - confining oneself in a room without any social interactions causes a huge mental strain which is not realized immediately but it screws with your mind very deeply.
- Impact on physical health - sitting at one place for long hours affects the health in many ways. In my previous company there were regular sessions to educate employees about the hazards of continuous sitting, equating it with smoking a certain number of cigarettes per hour. I found it extremely disgusting to hear those lectures, given the fact that the work culture and model followed by the company left no option for the employees but to sit for many many hours at stretch looking at their screens, hearing and some times talking. Cases of obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, joint pains, back pains, neck sprains, headaches, indigestion, etc. etc. are very common among this section of people.
- Poor relationships / networking at work place - you tend to know people only by their voices, some times pictures and in some cases videos - live or recorded; there is only so much conversation you can have on official media like calls, chats, etc., also with the huge limitations on the nature of the conversations you could have. The perceptions and opinions you develop about people based on what you gather from all this tend to be inaccurate, which you sometimes discover when you meet them on occasions. It's hard to form really meaningful professional relationships in such a context.
- Impact on learning and skills upgrade - In my experience, the most effective learning in a workplace is through face-to-face interactions and in-person collaborations on tasks.
- Impact on family life - Long working hours, being glued to screen, being on conference calls all the time, screen sharing most of the time, tasks and deliverables being urgent and squeezed between calls - all this makes one always engaged and less available for the family in the true sense, although physically being in the same home.
- Poor efficiency in team work - With everyone working remotely, you tend to sync up more often and for longer. Many a times half the guys on the call are not listening but are just present in the call, for the sake of it. Most of them are simply lost or dreaming, while a few manage to focus well enough on something else and get some work done. The latter might make it seem like it's more efficient to be on call rather than meetings in person, most attendees are lost even when they are sitting together in a conference room. And the degree is significantly lower as compared to conference calls. However, it's not something very specific to working from home, as conference calls are a reality even for people sitting in office.
Update - 20 Mar 2020 09.11 PM: The COVID-19 situation has worsened since I wrote the above. The Maharashtra government has announced commercial lockdown in Mumbai and Pune. So work-from-home or total shut-down is the mandate now for companies (except for a few like manufacturing units, etc.). Stay home and stay safe. Love you all.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Safe Travels!
For quite some time now, in fact for over 2 decades, I've been wanting to do something in life which would give me an incomparable high. Something, that I can not only call a profession but also a way of life. Over the years, I've often thought, and always at length and depth, about a few things that would qualify as pursuits towards such a goal for my life. I have decided now that I would let my life take a turn, may be many twists and turns, towards something exciting and decide its natural and meaningful course. Let's see where this takes me. I'm taking a risk, and I am shit scared... But I am also excited as I never was. I am perhaps taking a plunge into darkness. It may eventually turn out not so much a plunge, but rather a stupid hibernation, although I really hope it doesn't. In any case, I will always be glad I made a choice. And I am sure I'd emerge stronger and happier on the other side. May be there is no other side, but only a journey, and I know it will be fun and exciting. Safe travels!
Friday, July 26, 2019
About 40 minutes later, I was called inside. I entered through the large door and walked in. A few steps into the hallway, a couple of doctors were chatting aloud. I interrupted and told them who I was. One of the doctors came forward and introduced himself. He had the same name as mine. He smiled and said it's a girl. She was born at 1.40 PM. I was overwhelmed with joy, but had to calm down my insides and focus as the doctor had more information to pass. He pointed towards his left, my right, where a smaaaaall baby was lying on a crib, draped loosely in a green cloth and crying out as loud as her littleness would allow her. 'That's her,' he said. Strange I hadn't noticed her till then in all the excitement.
Every baby is an angel, but ours was ours. She was perfect. I asked the doctor if everything was fine. He was very positive. He told me they did all the tests, and she was doing great. He took Shruti's file from me and quickly glanced through it. He didn't have any comments, I assumed it was all fine.
I was worried the cute little one was left alone crying. In a helpless tone, I said to the doctor - 'She's crying". He smiled and said "That's good. If she's crying, it means everything is fine. If she didn't cry right now, that would have been a problem'.
I took a picture of my little crying daughter, her first picture ever taken, when I saw her the first time. It was a magical moment. I was asked to leave and that the baby would then be made ready to be shifted to our room! Shruti was still going to be at the recovery room for a few hours until she was fully out from the effect of anesthesia.
I came out. My mother-in-law was waiting anxiously outside. I gave her the news and showed her the first pic of the little girl. She kissed the screen of my mobile phone and was overwhelmed with happiness. I made some calls and gave the news to other close family members.
I was asked to go to the reception and fill up some forms for the admission of the baby. It sounded funny at that time that the baby was being admitted as a new patient. But if you think about it, it's quite logical as it's a new person with her own identity. Filling up those forms soon after your child was born was a tedious task. I was all excited, yet hungry inside as we had not had lunch. A few fields in the form were interesting. One of them was age - I had to fill 0 there! Writing my own name against father's name was emotionally charging and overwhelming!
I got over the task as quickly as I could, and went back upstairs where my mother-in-law was still waiting outside the operating area. Swati, my wife's friend, had also arrived and they were both ecstatic watching the baby's first and only pic till then. I inquired about Shruti and requested for meeting her. Meanwhile, our baby was brought out in a small crib, to be shifted to our room. I let my mother-in-law and Swati go along, while I went inside to meet Shruti.
She was in the recovery room, semi-conscious. I went near the bed she was lying on. We looked at each other and smiled. I held her hand. Before we could say anything, our eyes said to each other - she has arrived, the daughter we were waiting for!
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
मदिरालय जाने को घर से चलता है पीनेवला,
'किस पथ से जाऊँ?' असमंजस में है वह भोलाभाला,
अलग-अलग पथ बतलाते सब पर मैं यह बतलाता हूँ -
'राह पकड़ तू एक चला चल, पा जाएगा मधुशाला।'
The call ended with the boss's boss's boss asking if anybody had questions. Nobody did, as usual. He glanced at the sky again, after quite some time actually - he was really lost in some world of thoughts. It got all cloudy in the meanwhile, and as he was disconnecting the call to head for his tea break at the nearby tapri, it started pouring. He loved rains!
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Reality has limits, imagination has none
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Sun, moon and the twinkling stars
Short-Termism - Focus on Today at the cost of Tomorrow
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